Thursday, August 07, 2008


We have been trying to sell our house back in St. Louis for a few months. We are renting a small house in Denver until we can sell our house. If you could send us some positive thoughts and prayers, we would really appreciate it!! We found out that a house down the street is now the cheapest in our neighborhood because the owner defaulted on the mortgage. Ahh.... at this point we really just want to sell it. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers! We would love to be able to move a little closer to my school, especially by winter.


Kelli said...

That has to be so hard. Of course I will send positive house selling vibes your way (and a little prayer added in)!

Julie and Dean said...

come ON house - SELL!

Gwynneth said...

where is your house? i know someone looking. email me. my email is "myfirstname.mylastname"

Anonymous said...

Definitely sending positive thoughts your way. Sell, house, sell!